Marketing in 2021 is going to look a little different than in years past... that's a given! One of the biggest things we've learned in 2020 is that we have shifted our work environments to our home space and even our entertainment has relied heavily on technology resources. Looking ahead, we have gathered a few "tips" when thinking through your 2021 Marketing/Branding Strategy:
1) Reward Your Employees
The success of your year relies heavily on your team! As you are seeing them more and more through a screen - it's a challenge to really be able to connect with them personally as you used to be able to do. Build in Rewards to make sure that they are engaged, connected and doing well.
2) Stay Top of Mind to Clients
There are a lot of branded products that are easily mailed out and can keep you top of mind to your customer base. If you have not already done so, we suggest you make mailing lists for your top clients and keep them engaged through surprises in the mail. Use your employee network to help brainstorm creative sends to key players.
3) Attract New Clients with a Clear Protocol
How you are attracting new business is as essential to keeping your key performers. With lunches and happy hours no longer available, this can become a challenge. Have a plan and process in place for courting new folks. Ask and answer the questions: How are you staying first of mind, and what will conversion require?
4) Have a Branding Plan
If you don't have time to figure out how to manage all the "stuff" it might take to enter into this new realm of marketing, hire a partner whose business it is to identify and assist you with not only your planning but execution!
At Armory Print Works, branding is what we do 24/7. You tell us what your idea or vision is and we will help bring it to life! We are passionate about helping you tell your story through quality branded products. Our business is to help you deepen and expand yours.